Friday, May 24, 2019

Person Centered Theory by Carl Rogers Essay

Person-centered theory is regarded as one of the most popular theories of counseling and therapy since its development in the 1940s. Its originator, Carl Rogers before labeled it as nondirective. The theory was intended to offer a distinctive option to the behavioral and psychoanalytic theories that subjugated psychology during the period. At a after time, Rogers expanded the concepts of the process and renamed it client-centered to de-emphasize the nondirective nature and emphasize a full understanding of all the clients dimensions.The person-centered concept evolved as issues relating to equality of participants in the relationship and a focus on the positive health of people became significant issues as opposed to unhealthier client status. Person-centered theory makes possible the expansion of component situations. Originally developed as an individual process, it has since become a major group theory. This group focus has expanded into concepts popular in education.Rogers most juvenile work emphasized the same concepts as ways of dealing with international conflict resolution in an emphasis on promoting world peace. Person-centered theory places large(p) emphasis on the individuals ability to move in positive directions. Pr promptitioners of the theory have a belief in the trus iirthiness of individuals and in their innate ability to move toward self-actualization and health when the proper conditions are in place. Tied to these beliefs is the federal agency that individuals also have the inner resources to move themselves in such positive directions.Finally, a core concept in the theory states that individuals perceive the world in a unique phenomenological way so that no two peoples perceptions of the world are the same. The perception of clients as competent, trustworthy, and forward-moving people who have their own unique view of the world places great confidence in the individuals ability to control his/her own positive change. This confidence in the client directs the counselor to provide the conditions for that change.Specifically, there are lead basic conditions needed to support an individuals natural inclination for positive growth a genuine relationship with a relatively harmonious individual, acceptance and caring from the counselor, and an accurate understanding on the part of the counselor of the clients phenomenological world. Clients who are provided with these growth conditions will realize their actualizing tendencies for growth. They will look their difficulties and natural competencies in this productive environment, which will then lead to a clearer picture of themselves and their potential difference.As clients pictures of themselves become more accurate, they become better able to act in ways that are most in line with their true self (congruence). This in turn will lead to more self-confidence, self-understanding, and better choices. The office staff of the counselor in person-centered theory is pri marily to promote the conditions for change rather than do things to bring about specific changes. Counselors and therapists are expected to maintain a genuine human relationship in which they provide unconditional positive regard to their clients.This demonstrates their faith in clients and support of the process. Much of the work of the person-centered counselor revolves close to developing an accurate empathic understanding of a client, conveying that understanding to the person, and working with him/her to expand and clarify the understanding and its impact on the clients choices and actions. Rogers work initiated lots research on the helping relationship and client gain. The use of taping and transcriptions to evaluate the necessary conditions of counseling and psychotherapy received emphasis from research on this theory.A great deal of innovative research in the area of clinical growth was also produced in the development of this theory. However, much of this theory has been integrated into the overall body of the theory, and relatively little research is currently being done in the area. Calls are being made for potential expansion of the theory and research into its future development. Person-centered counseling and psychotherapy has given much to the field, and professionals continue to emphasize the need for growth of the theory rather than a stagnant use of the theorys many positive contributions.

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